Articles on PR for People

The Hidden Story Behind "America The Beautiful"

’m sure you’re familiar with America the Beautiful, America’s most popular anthem. But you may not be aware of the hidden history behind the song and the remarkable story of the feminist, suffragist, teacher, social reformer and lover of nature and beauty who wrote it. We need your help to make a new and important film!

New film: STEWART UDALL and the Politics of Beauty

New film: STEWART UDALL and the Politics of Beauty is finally in the home stretch; to raise finishing funds, we’ve launched a campaign on Kickstarter. It’s a beautiful campaign, and I know you’ll love it. The page itself is beautiful – we’re very proud - and I can’t wait for you to check it out. There’s also a short new video trailer I think you’ll like.   We hope to complete the film in mid-September and it will premiere in Santa Fe in October.


Can beauty save the world, as Dostoevsky imagined?  Is it the best bet to do so, As Doug Tompkins wagered?  In an ugly time, is it the truest of protests, as Phil Ochs declared?  I can only say that it has transformed me and that its ability to change cynicism to reverence and to make people happier, healthier and kinder is well-documented. 

Stewart Udall and the Politics of Beauty

John de Graaf is currently directing a new film about America’s champion of beauty in public policy.  Stewart Udall was Secretary of the Interior during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.  As such, he was the lead advocate for many of the most important environmental laws we now take for granted.

Happiness: We Still Need a Vacation Law

New legislation in New York City increases the hope of paid vacation time in the United States. Why aren’t the Democratic presidential candidates paying attention?

The Best of Both Worlds: The Promise of Cohousing

John de Graaf’s brilliant article THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS: THE PROMISE OF COHOUSING gives us a perspective on these vital communities that not only meet our basic needs, but also allow us to thrive.  John’s article focuses on Nevada City, California architect and entrepreneur Charles Durrett, who has designed 50 cohousing communities across America. Durrett describes his product as “the best of both worlds.”  John de Graaf, who has produced dozens of award-winning documentaries for PBS, is currently directing The Best of Both Worlds, a short film about cohousing.  


Author and filmmaker John de Graaf writes about the young people who have already moved into positions of leadership.

Beauty—The Forgotten Recipe For Happiness

The filmmaker and author John de Graaf has written a stunning feature article about Beauty—The Forgotten Recipe For Happiness. Beauty also holds a truth that is undeniable. From the splendor of nature’s mountains, fields and streams to the grandeur of architecture and modern city streets, the beauty of our surroundings possesses the power to make us happy. 


Fifty years ago, folksinger Phil Ochs wrote that “In such an ugly time, the true protest is beauty.”  Today, at a time when even our discourse is ugly, may beauty infuse the vision for which we protest.


In a world where 16,000 children die of hunger-related diseases every day—five September 11 holocausts every day, almost unnoticed—we Americans have ample reason to be grateful for the bounty of food we take for granted.  Indeed, while hunger in America is increasing due to the elimination of food stamp benefits and greater inequality, we are more likely to die in America from the complications of eating too much.  But we show precious little gratitude for our cornucopia and even less for the people who produce it.  From Jefferson to Tocqueville to Bryan and well beyond, farming was once an honored profession in America.  It is no more, but it can be again.