African American

Latest Posts in African American

A Stone Suitable for a Great Man: John Edward Bruce

Prolific journalist and author John Edward Bruce laid in an unmarked grave at Oakland Cemetery in Yonkers for 100 years. The James H. Farrell Lodge #34, Prince Hall Masons, recognized the injustice of this important, talented man going unrecognized; they arranged to have a temporary marker placed on his grave.  The lodge is now raising funds for a permanent stone. 

Book Review: White Fragility - Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism

My childhood in Yonkers instilled me with a multi-ethnic, multi-racial view of life. My very first teacher, in kindergarten, was a woman of color. Throughout my life I have had friends and colleagues who are people of color. So why do I feel as though it is so difficult to talk about race? Furthermore, why did I have stiff resistance to reading this book?

Playing 2nd Base, Number 42

Now imagine, it is April 14th, 1947.  Every professional player and coach you see on the baseball diamond is white. Seems strange doesn’t it?

Laura Coates author of Just Pursuit seeks a fair legal system for Blacks

Laura Coates, author of Just Pursuits, touches the heart as few other writers can. Her stories are not filled with anger or pity but with empathy for those caught in the legal-system web, both as victims and perpetrators.

Can Critical Race Theory Reframe American History Successfully?

For the first time in four decades, we have a new national holiday, the Juneteenth National Independence Day. It celebrates the liberation of Black American slaves from the last city enslaving them in Galveston, Texas.