Checks and Balances

This country has experienced chaos since it was founded. It was born out of a belief that there was a form of government that could be organized out of the consent of the governed, different than a monarchy, where the peoples’ rights were not acknowledged or protected.

Shattering the Sugarplum Ceiling

Late last month, while the rest of the nation broiled under scorching weather conditions, three dogs cavorted under the watchful eye of Chris Montoya in the fenced parking lot outside of Dance Conservatory Seattle. In the Puget Sound region, it was a pleasant day with a high overcast, light breeze and mild temperature, allowing Ayla, Taiyo, and Gizzmo to enjoy their break outside before returning indoors to resume their duties as the dance school’s very enthusiastic greeters.

Ho Ho Ho! We Want the Ho!

Several times a month, I travel by car through Southwest Washington. The stretch between Raymond (population 3,081) and South Bend (population 1,746) is rife with State Patrol and local police who vigilantly monitor the many speed traps. It’s slow going on Hyw 101. Trump rallies, populated by signs, not people, sprout like weeds between the wetlands and the food trucks. Some signs read: Joe & Ho Gotta Go.



We all want to go home. Even when we leave and go to parts unknown, there is a longing to return to the place where we came from. We can return to our home in our hearts and minds, but it is never as satisfying as actually going home. St. Mary’s Church has been home for many generations for nearly two centuries. The impending closure of St. Mary’s Church has prompted many of us to think about what it means to have a relationship with a Sacred Place.

Biden and Harris can enable the Democrats to win in November

Biden and Harris must place the interests of their party and nation first. Biden clings to the classic belief that only he can save the world. He declared to a meeting with Democratic governors, “No one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving.” He followed up in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, saying only “the Lord Almighty” could drive him from the race.

United or Die: The Fair Society Model

Welcome to Chapter Three in Dr. Peter Corning's Linked Essay Series Unite or Die. In Chapter Three, Dr. Corning examines our collective survival enterprise that are discussed in his 2011 book, The Fair Society: The Science of Human Nature and the Pursuit of Social Justice.

Hispanic Community in Yonkers Rallies to Save Their Church

Parishioners and residents of the city of Yonkers are rallying this evening, at 6pm, to urge the elected officials of the city of Yonkers to take immediate action to accord landmark status to St. Mary’s (Church of the Immaculate Conception).


June is our work issue. During these contentious times, we are looking at different forms of courage. Some jobs, like First Responders, require greater courage than other forms of work. Another important job that requires infinite courage and a meticulous work ethic are our election workers who serve on the front lines of our democracy. One of our writers, Robin Lindley, sent us Ken Burns’ Commencement Address at Brandeis University, which embodies the essence of courage. Ask yourself an important question: How big a role does courage play in your life?