“We’re going to the horse show; want to come along?” This, from Linda, the stable trainer/manager. “It’s cross-country, and you said you’ve always wanted to do it,” she added, coaxingly. “But I’m 74, Linda, aren’t I too old?” “If you can do it, you’re not too old!” she sensibly answered, so I signed up. 

I didn’t own a horse, but there was a little mustang in the barn named Knight I thought could do the job.  We trucked over that...

What are the key ambitions that drive entrepreneurs?


Every year, hundreds of thousands of people take the plunge and become entrepreneurs. There are countless reasons people decide to start their own businesses, but whatever they are, they all have one thing in common—ambition. The word ambition refers to a strong desire to do or to achieve something that generally requires hard work, determination, or a combination of both.

Starting a business and going on off on your...

New Developments at Evergreen City Ballet (ECB) Signal Strong Expansion for 2017

Evergreen City Ballet (ECB) has announced highlights for 2017 that include the expansion of programs and curriculum, new performing opportunities, and this season’s premiere of Cinderella at the Meydenbauer Center on March 17, 18 and 19.

ECB Artistic Director Gillmer Duran and ECB Executive Director Julie Tobiason have developed a clear vision for 2017 that builds upon the school’s twenty-two-year legacy in the South King County...

BARBI LEIFERT | Capturing the Soul of Movement

Seattle-based Painter Barbi Leifert captures the soul of a dancer in her life’s work by exploring the energy, vibrancy and artistic brilliance inherent in contemporary dance. Ms. Leifert, who was a dancer since the age of three, has observed that when she’s creating a painting, she’s not copying pictures of movement.  From her many years of dance and choreography, she actually has the...

In Search of the Sweet Life: Trekking the World in the Name of Pastry

Angela Garbacz has trotted the globe to find the world’s best food and has the stamps on her passport to prove it.

She’s enjoyed life-changing buckwheat pancakes in Reykjavík, visited a specialized temperature-controlled cake decorating kitchen at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong, and discovered a boutique in Amsterdam that served only perfect little chocolate cookies with white chocolate ganache centers.

These types...

The Real Need For Education These Days or "How To Re-Invent Yourself!"

Many people seem to be angry these days about technology taking their jobs and they sometimes look to politicians to help change things. Well, as someone once said, "You can't stop the growth of technology and you can't stop change." After all, we outgrew the need for lamplighters well over a century ago. And politicians from the coal-producing states had better get used to the notion that coal mining, the way it used to be, is a thing of...

Dancing for Life

Tribute to a dancer |  Remembering Marywilde Nelson

Editor's Note: In 2005, I remember meeting Marywilde Nelson in a funky dance studio called Belltown Ballet. Marywilde encouraged me to train at Pacific Northwest Ballet (PNB). In all of my years of training, in studios: Boston, Denver,  New York City and, of course, in Seattle, I have never met anyone who was so in love with the beauty, practice, and artistic expression of ballet. And this is the way I will always remember her.  No matter what faith you are, or if you have any faith at all, say a prayer for her.  If there is a heaven, and I don’t know for sure if there is, but of one thing I am certain: Marywilde Nelson is dancing forever.

After a long and valiant battle with cancer, Marywilde Nelson died on Friday afternoon, May 26 2017.