Ron Flavin
Expert in Business Organizational Strategy and GrantsAside from helping entities of all types to successfully acquire more than $200 million in funding and grants, Ronald Flavin has a talent for identifying potential revenue streams in any organization and implementing a plan to develop these new sources of revenue. Because he has worked in so many sectors, this depth of experience has given him the ability to precisely identify the best opportunities for growth in any organization. Ronald Flavin’s occupation as an organizational strategist encompasses his expertise in business growth, business grants, grant writing, ghost writing, product/revenue development, and also as an author, and a professional speaker. Ronald Flavin provides a valuable service that is essential to the growth of any organization.

Aside from helping entities of all types to successfully acquire more than $200 million in funding and grants, Ron Flavin has either led or been part of the decision-making teams that have awarded more than $1 billion in funding over the last five years. He also has a unique talent for identifying potential revenue streams in any organization and implementing a plan to develop these new sources of revenue. Because he has worked in so many sectors, this depth of experience has given him the ability to precisely identify the best opportunities for growth in any organization. Ron's occupation as a growth and funding strategist encompasses his expertise in business growth, business/startup funding and grants, grant writing, product/revenue development, and also as an author, and a professional speaker. Through his consulting firm, Ron provides a valuable service that is essential to the growth of any organization; however, his expertise is of critical importance for startup companies. Ron is able to work with small businesses to identify and develop funding and grant opportunities that can be secured from businesses and organizations. He has the knowledge, contacts, and expertise to be perceived as the bridge between two worlds: Big Businesses and organizations of all sizes, including NGOs and Small Businesses.