Thomas Hobbes

Latest Posts in Thomas Hobbes

Who’s Afraid of Global Governance?

Who’s Afraid of Global Governance? If it’s done right, it’s neither utopian nor an authoritarian menace.  And it’s needed urgently.  It could be a matter of life and death for us all. 

Why We Need Global Governance… Now!

Our species is in serious peril.  Why We Need Global Governance… Now! We must think outside the box because the future lies outside the box.

The Social Contract: Who Needs It?

Let’s begin with some political theory.  Aristotle, in his great treatise, the Politics, concluded that there are, basically, only two different kinds of governments in terms of the outcomes for a society -- those that serve the common good, or the public interest, and those that have been co-opted to serve the self-interests of the people who hold political power.  

The Social Contract: Who Needs It?

Let’s begin with some political theory. Aristotle, in his great treatise, the Politics, concluded that there are, basically, only two different kinds of governments in terms of the outcomes for a society — those that serve the common good, or the public interest, and those that have been co-opted to serve the self-interests of the people who hold political power. 

Ethics in the Garden of Evolution

Evolution and ethics may seem to be incompatible, perhaps even an oxymoron.  Isn’t natural selection all about individual competition and winner take all?  Logically, the end should justify the means, ethically speaking.   As I noted in a previous blog item on the “Survival of the Fittest,” this model is totally deficient.  Complex human societies have evolved as a cooperative enterprise, a “superorganism”, and our relationships with one another are highly relevant to the well-being of both the individual members and the whole.