
Latest Posts in Democracy

PR for People is Many Things

At first PR for People® was an idea, sort of like democracy. We wanted to equalize the playing field by giving people a fair chance to get recognition and success. Most people don’t know that PR for People® is a trademarked brand that’s been around for 12 years. Through the years, PR for People® has become many things. In old fashioned terms, I guess you could say that we’re champions for the common man. Only by today’s standards it’s about the common person—many different kinds of people. Everyday people. I guess you could say that we tell stories about ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things. We are the only media outlet that is focused on sharing great stories about people.

A Few Sad Aspects of Democracy

The deconstruction of some implicit premise for the democracy as we know today since the famous ancient Greek times could unveil some deficiency in the logic of the democracy (which are independent of how a democratic system is implemented) as we know today since the famous ancient Greek times, which might entail many social problems in the democratic system……

Plato’s Dilemma: It Haunts Us Still

A dysfunctional government can be a matter of life-and-death, and these days they are all too common.  We should follow Plato’s sage advice. Plato’s diagnosis of the many dysfunctional kinds of government, and their root causes, still rings true, and so does his ultimate prescription. 

Capitalism and Democracy: Can This Marriage Be Saved?

Capitalism and Democracy:  Can This Marriage Be Saved? It’s an odd-couple, with deeply conflicting social values.  Though they have been living together for many centuries, the strains are increasing; their relationship may now be in jeopardy.

How to Nurture a Democracy

A democratic political system can survive only if it is embedded in a society that allows it to thrive.  Rather like the three essentials for nurturing healthy plants (good soil, adequate water and sunlight), there are at least three nurturing elements that a society must provide, in order for democracy to prosper -- beyond the foundation of a healthy economy.  These elements are (1) the rule of law, (2) elections that are perceived as fair (and where the outcomes are respected), and (3) a political discourse that honors veracity and condemns lying and liars.