Patricia Vaccarino

Freedom Spent


When I was in college, a professor suggested that I read Freedom Spent by the legal writer Richard Harris. Freedom Spent was a narrative of three case studies in which Americans lost their civil liberties during legal proceedings that adhered to the letter of the law, or abided by a strict constructionist (narrow) interpretation of the law that disregarded the gravitas and prevailing spirit of the U.S. Constitution.  I lent Freedom Spent to so many friends that eventually I lost track of it and fear it is no longer in my library. 

Today, I am more convinced than ever that America has the most amazing...

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Sister Who?

Pope Francis travels the world commingling with the common folk. His every smile and ceremonial laying of hands iscaptured in all forms of media. The Pope has stated in numerous press conferences that women could have a greater role in the church. But the Pope has also made it abundantly clear that...

The Prince & Pollyanna:The Realities of Life

Jan Stark belongs economically to the upper limit of the middle class. Both of her parents were college professors who invested wisely and were able to retire comfortably.  Jan, no academic dummy, has advanced degrees from Ivy League schools.  Jan’s parents have passed away and left her enough money so she does not have to work.  Not having to work gives her a fairy tale perspective on life. She is exploring her interests: face readings,...

Where have all the Man Buns gone?

My friend, Phyllis Korkki, Assignment Editor for the New York Times wrote an article “Spare a Hair Band? A Man Bun to Go”. Phyllis’s article ran a year ago but lately, the man bun phenomenon seems to have stalled.  In fact, the more we searched for man buns on the street, the fewer we found. My last...

What You Should Know About Hiring a PR Firm

9 Things Every Business Should Know About Hiring a PR Firm (But Were Afraid to Ask)  

News Brief: Dave Bresler, the Ultimate Connector

November 8, 2012 marked the third time that Patricia Vaccarino of PR for People® collaborated with Dave Bresler, founder of NetworkNetwork!,  to create an outstanding networking event.  The aftermath of Hurricane Sandy or the early morning Nor’easter didn’t stop New Yorkers from turning out for this event.  The primary reason for the event’s success is Dave Bresler. He is described by everyone as a mensch who derives his greatest joy and...