
Latest Posts in politics

The Big Lie Strategy for Grabbing Political Power

The big lie shaking this nation for the past seven weeks is that Trump won the election by a landslide. It is a lie. President Donald Trump and his many lawyers have not produced even a shred of evidence to support that claim before our judicial system. 

Politics and Truth

The ignorance of the true nature of politics has been causing many to believe the political propaganda of various political organizations about their quest or fight for the truth. Many people devoted their life to the political causes of those organizations because they truly believed that they were fighting for the truth of human civilization. However, seeking truth has never been the essence of politics, and knowing this could help us to better understand the political reality in life around the world……

Just Because We Can, Does It Mean We Should?

As 2018 winds down, we are exhausted by the moral and political chaos represented by the current administration.

Red Kool Aid Blue Kool Aid: What Really Happened To The Promise Of Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act will go down in history as an important piece of Barack Obama's legacy. Leonard Zwelling worked through the implementation of that landmark law as a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation health policy fellow. His “dizzying” memoir, Red Kool Aid Blue Kool Aid:  How Partisan Politics and Greed Undermined ObamaCare (Franklin Scribes Publishers) sheds light on little-known details of perhaps one of the most...