Articles on PR for People

Digital Wherewithal

Having a digital home, perhaps a digital presence, to many seems like just another part of everyday life.  To others, merely having access or connectivity would be a major step up, a leap across a digital divide.

Digital wherewithal is what separates the haves from the have-nots.

Some take digital access for granted.  For the Haves this is everyday life.  Connectivity is everywhere, in pockets, purses, cases on a belt...

Digital Strategy in Medicine and Health


Digital Strategy in health and medicine comes in many forms.  Pharmaceutical companies use digital strategies to increase sales and marketing.  Big data offer analyses in drug research and development, as well as data sharing and the ability to compare large-scale studies across various environments.  Medical devices using sophisticated software are now the norm in hospitals and medical centers and clinics. 

On the...


The New Yorker issue of July 5, 1993, carried a now-famous cartoon by Peter Steiner.  The cartoon and its caption, “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog” became famous enough to warrant its own Wikipedia Page.

In the early days of the Internet it was true: conversations (online chat, Usenets) took place on a level playing field. Not only...

A Digital Strategist’s Take on Ambition

Drive, determination and gumption are three of the basic ingredients necessary for success. Ambition inhabits all three of those qualities. We live in a time of ubiquitous connectivity, with the availability of communications networks of all sorts (social, business, special interest). Ambition can be realized, applying digital strategy.

Two examples come to mind: looking for a job and looking for a communications tool.


The Entrepreneurial Mindset

The “Entrepreneurial Mindset” is a book title, the subject of a few websites and management courses, and a topic that has spawned an uncountable number of talks. To say the least, the “Entrepreneurial Mindset” has established its place in the modern vernacular.

Look up “Entrepreneurial Mindset” in Wikipedia and it redirects to “Entrepreneurship.”  The keys to entrepreneurship,...

Disappearing Artifacts

On a recent stroll in NYC, I walked by an apartment house and could see into a stranger’s window, where I saw records (vinyl LPs) and books.  Since I recognized the books and the recording artists, it gave me a glimpse into this person’s life: age, tastes, and even probable religion.

There was a time when I could get a sense of someone (or a couple, a family or business)...

Dean Landsman on Digital Strategy

Digital Strategy encompasses many things: planning, tactics, metadata.  We can speak of algorithms, of search, connectivity. But none of that addresses a critical truth: the internet is a visual medium — visual, as in graphics, pictures, charts, illustrations, artwork, infographics, animation. There’s even a bona fide digital era category, CGI — computer-generated imagery. 

Strategic digital actions are wisely taken when using...

Dean Landsman: Insight on best business books for summer reading

The question was this: what is your opinion about business books and what do you prefer to read for insights?  Crafting an answer was a challenge; it stimulated much thought, the sort of thought and insight one might anticipate receiving from a business book.

More often than not, it isn’t business books from which I derive insight. Life — and thus business — is about the human condition.  Insights and thought provoking content...

Digital Strategy + Good Works

Digital strategy enables those who do good to do well. By maintaining and nurturing a digital presence, one can increase awareness, image and urgency. Whether an organization is large or small, fully budgeted or on a shoestring, the basic tools are available with equal access. Charities can take advantage of online tools to serve their goals.

                  Messaging is critical. Be it a tag sale or a global effort, online...

Digital Strategy: Job Hunting in the Connected World

Looking for a job in the Digital Era is as much about preparation and attitude as it is background and ability.

Create a cover letter template.  This is an email template you reuse, modifying it each time. Your cover letter should be short, sweet and to the point.  And it also should be personalized with the recipient’s name, their company name and address, etc.  Sending out a non-personalized cover letter makes...