Articles on PR for People

Minimizing Digital Risk

Technology has introduced numerous wonderful inventions and opportunities. That paradigm changes have occurred as a result is an understatement.  People wear smart watches, carry smart phones, tablets, medical devices and some even drive smart cars. There are cars smart enough to drive themselves.  We live in a society where computing is part of our everyday life.

With technology comes responsibility.  With responsibility comes...

Digital Joy


Digital Strategy continues to enter more facets of our lives. As the holiday season is upon us, many of the lights and displays on peoples’ houses and storefronts are now controlled digitally.  An automated Santa sliding down a chimney in the mall, controlled by a server or PC, or even an app on a tablet or a phone, is the new reality. In the past these were unwieldy electronics, requiring an engineer or two on-site, and...

Whet Your Digital Appetite


Digital Strategy is everywhere.  Including places you’d never imagine.  For years we’ve heard about the “smart refrigerator” that will let you know when it’s time to get more eggs or ice cream, or that the milk is going bad.  This year, after decades of computer and kitchen appliance industry hype, Samsung has actually introduced such a product.  The Samsung Smart Family Hub Refrigerator (see Consumer Reports review...

Green Computing

Green Computing is a term used to describe the use of environmentally sustainable computers and accessories which, during their usage and disposal, create minimal or zero harm to the environment. Also known as Green IT, this technology aims to both increase energy efficiency and to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals in hardware design.  A further result means that when these items are then disposed of or recycled, they will do no harm to...

Digital Destiny


Writers deal with editorial calendars, topics for articles, subjects for thought pieces. We try to plan ahead, storing paragraphs, sentences, resources, interviews; or an idea to follow up on or expand upon, thinking it might add that special something to make an article that much better.

With Destiny as the topic, numerous thoughts came to mind. We had a cat by that name, because it was destiny that she came into...

Digital Destiny


Writers deal with editorial calendars, topics for articles, subjects for thought pieces. We try to plan ahead, storing paragraphs, sentences, resources, interviews; or an idea to follow up on or expand upon, thinking it might add that special something to make an article that much better.

With Destiny as the topic, numerous thoughts came to mind. We had a cat by that name, because it was destiny that she came into...

Digital Strategy for Startups

Tech startups are all the rage, with digitally powered demand-based services and cloud storage or cloud function initiatives also gathering a great deal of coverage in mainstream media.  Stories emanate out of the Silicon Valley, New York City’s Silicon Alley, Boston’s Rte 128 corridor, Austin, etc., appearing almost daily.  Those tend to be the nerve centers of tech startups, but many other startup business categories exist that are not...

The Digital Strategies of High Fashion and Portable Devices

Digital Strategy creates a level playing field in high fashion.  This strategy is in marketing, protection against knock-offs, and maintaining brand integrity while reaching far more customers and end users.

Tech is the new fashion.  Or better put: technology is in vogue at design houses and the fashion world.  Technology and fashion are now merging into one and the same product and entity.  How so?  By fashion houses that have...

The Digital Workspace

By Dean Landsman

The Digital Workplace is rapidly evolving into a messaging and collaboration center.  Thanks to pervasive, nearly omnipresent connectivity and the plummeting prices of computers (laptops and desktops; some models of tablets) it is easy to set up shop just about anywhere. This can be in a spare room, at an Internet café or coffee shop, or at a ...

Digital Goodness

By Dean Landsman
In the age of ubiquitous connectivity and digital opportunity there are countless examples of goodness that occur thanks to technology.  Creative thinking and innovation combine to enable global reach and effective forms of communication.
Crowdfunding is a perfect example.  An idea requires capital, it may be of interest and desire to many, and online...