
Latest Posts in Teachers

Great Teacher: Mr. Larson

I grew up in a very small town -- population 1100 – and benefitted in every way from the experience.  I learned to read when I was four years old, thanks to a friend who was older and liked to “play school” at least once a day.  My first job was working in the small public library, re-shelving books once a week as the librarian’s helper once I started primary school.  I enjoyed school through those years, but it was in high school that I studied with the most influential teacher I ever had, Mr. Larson.

Traits That Define a Great Teacher

Most of us can remember our favorite teachers. They stand out in our memories because they created meaningful learning experiences and didn’t give up on us when we struggled to master a skill or concept. 

Outstanding Teacher Catherine Soto

Catherine Soto is 4th grade Bilingual Teacher at Rucker Elementary School in Prosper, Texas.

The Heart That Will Never Stop

A few summers ago, my daughter Sarah was bound for Denver. Sarah had committed to serve in the AmeriCorps’ City Year program. Before she left, I helped to pack up her car. She had a few meager belongings, mostly clothes and books. She had sold off almost everything else she had owned.  She was off to more than a grand adventure; this journey was meant to jumpstart her career as an educator. Moments before she left, I took a photo of her at Kerry Park, overlooking the city of Seattle. In the photo she is holding her City Year badge and beaming with pride.  She wanted to know if her passion for teaching was a passing fancy or her true heart’s desire. Soon she would find out.