
Latest Posts in Korea

My Two Joes

My Two Joes is a tribute to our heroic veterans. What I learned from the two Joes is you can’t always remove yourself from scary situations. No doubt about it, right now there is a heightened level of fear and anger in America. It is as if people are losing their heads. When adrenaline increases, you witness more flight or fight reactions.  Fear that manifests in small ways develops into paralysis: email goes unanswered, phone calls are not returned and business transactions are delayed. Fear churning into anger rears its ugly head in drive-by shootings, road rage, mass killings and hate crimes. It’s okay to admit the truth: we are living in scary times.

PR for People® THE CONNECTOR – MAY 2021

In the May Connector, we features articles and essays about Veterans... just in time for Memorial Day...Know a Veteran? Give him or her a hug!

On Desperate Ground by Hampton Sides

Hampton Sides’ fine writing about the Chosin Reservoir Campaign takes you into the eye of the storm.

The “Silent Generation” Speaks Up - After 66 Years Re: Politics & Society Today

The idea of giving names to succeeding generations based on their attitude or defining relation to overall American society came about towards the end of the 20thcentury. Generally, the first generation to be referred to in this way came to be known as “The Greatest Generation” due to their contribution, perseverance and unity during World War II and the great depression. The following societal division; their younger brothers and sisters was given the name “The Silent Generation” partly as a result of the low birth rates during the depression; and they followed in rather natural unquestioning fashion the values of the preceding generation. Coming of age during the Korean War era they generally did not make too big a deal of accepting the course of events and hardships and had been taught not to make waves and to be un-complaining, hence the title, “The Silent Generation.” 

Give Me Shelter

The American people are suffering from battered woman syndrome. This psychological condition is due to abuse, usually at the hands of an intimate partner. In our case, our abuser is the President of the United States. The President has turned us into a nation of battered women. Battered men also exist, but gender is not the issue. No matter what gender you are, we are legally bound to him, as much as he is legally bound to us. The president is our Big Daddy, and in his hands, we are all being battered.