
Latest Posts in Democrats

Ho Ho Ho! We Want the Ho!

Several times a month, I travel by car through Southwest Washington. The stretch between Raymond (population 3,081) and South Bend (population 1,746) is rife with State Patrol and local police who vigilantly monitor the many speed traps. It’s slow going on Hyw 101. Trump rallies, populated by signs, not people, sprout like weeds between the wetlands and the food trucks. Some signs read: Joe & Ho Gotta Go.


Why did the Parties Switch as Conservative & Liberal?

The Democratic and Republican parties have flipped their basic philosophies since being founded. Currently, we strongly associate each with being conservative or liberal. We often assume that conservatives are Republicans and Democrats are liberals. But it was the opposite for approximately the first 80 years of our nation’s founding. 

The Parties want the Constitution to Balance our Budget

Both parties provoked Federal debt crises for decades, yet they willfully deny the possibility of the US defaulting on future loan payments.

The Debt Ceiling Settlement Dismantled Republican Demands

The leadership of both the Democrat progressive wing and the Republican reactionary wing voted against passing the legislation to allow the debt ceiling to be raised.

A Strategy for Not Defaulting on Federal Loans

The US budget is again teetering on running out of money because the Republicans and Democrats are playing a game of chicken on whether to raise the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling caps how much the US can borrow through issuing bonds. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned that failure to pay US bondholders will cut revenue to foreign countries, corporations worldwide, US IRA accounts, and personal holdings, which “would undoubtedly cause a recession in the US economy.”