Articles on PR for People

Are Your Neurons Making You a Bigot?

Are Your Neurons Making You a Bigot?   

Maybe… but not so fast

Everyone’s a little bit racist. No less than the head of the FBI said so recently, quoting a song from the Broadway musical, “Avenue Q.”

We all have two forms of prejudice to deal with: implicit and explicit, conscious and unconscious. When the racist says people of color are inferior and dangerous, that’s explicit bias...

“Robust” Ivory Trade Continues

Despite progress, “robust” ivory trade continues 

Every 15 minutes, an elephant is killed for its ivory. In spite of a 1990 ban on international ivory sales,  Africa’s current elephant population has been reduced to perhaps less than half of the 1.3 million that roamed just 35 years ago. Asian elephants face an even grimmer fate: today perhaps just 40,000 remain in the wild, according to, a website...

A Winding Path

Laura Longley didn’t start out to be a talk radio host or a spiritually-oriented coach for people in career and life transitions. In fact, her family taught her to value math and science skills, so she worked in IT for 28 years.

“I liked getting a paycheck,” she said. “But beyond that…” she trails off, searching for other moments of pleasure, not finding many.

Beyond interacting with people, not much about IT project...

Be on the Cover

“For years, I’ve wrestled with the notion of how to make PR an affordable commodity, instead of an expensive service that could only be bought by the superrich.” –Patricia Vaccarino

A Winding Path

Laura Longley didn’t start out to be a talk radio host or a spiritually-oriented coach for people in career and life transitions. In fact, her family taught her to value math and science skills, so she worked in IT for 28 years.

“I liked getting a paycheck,” she said. “But beyond that…” she trails off, searching for other moments of pleasure, not finding many.

Beyond interacting with people, not much about IT project...