Articles on PR for People

Dancing for Life

Tribute to a dancer |  Remembering Marywilde Nelson

Editor's Note: In 2005, I remember meeting Marywilde Nelson in a funky dance studio called Belltown Ballet. Marywilde encouraged me to train at Pacific Northwest Ballet (PNB). In all of my years of training, in studios: Boston, Denver,  New York City and, of course, in Seattle, I have never met anyone who was so in love with the beauty, practice, and artistic expression of ballet. And this is the way I will always remember her.  No matter what faith you are, or if you have any faith at all, say a prayer for her.  If there is a heaven, and I don’t know for sure if there is, but of one thing I am certain: Marywilde Nelson is dancing forever.

After a long and valiant battle with cancer, Marywilde Nelson died on Friday afternoon, May 26 2017.


Hold onto your Ambition

We’re living in uncertain and troubled times. The very notion of truth is being called into question.  We’re not talking about creating grey areas to communicate a point of view or well-packaged spin. We’re talking about downright lying. We are being lied to and we know it. We have no choice but to rely on our own ambition. We have to create a vision for ourselves, a strategy, and a precise map to find our way along the road of this long,...

How big will it grow?

Remember Pinocchio? The Disney story was based on the children's novel The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi. The little wooden boy is brought to life by the blue fairy. Pinocchio can only be made human if he is unselfish, brave and, above all, truthful. Every time President Trump lies, we’ve been saddled with the tremendous spectacle of having to watch it grow bigger, and, sadly, it is not Pinocchio’s nose. This thing that is growing bigger is something else and it is getting really, really big.

YONKERS Yonkers!

YONKERS Yonkers! is a new novel by Patricia Vaccarino. A young Italian girl Cookie Colangelo and a shy black boy Herman Lynch explore the heart of racial prejudice in working-class Yonkers circa 1969-71.

Annie Searle | The Risk Detective

Annie Searle is a full time faculty lecturer at the University of Washington’s School of Information, where she teaches graduate courses on risk management, on the foundations of information management, as well as a course on ethics, policy and law with respect to information management. She is a lifetime member of The Institute of American Entrepreneurs, and a 2011 inductee into The Hall of Fame for Women in Homeland Security and Emergency...

Developing a Strong Environment for Entrepreneurial Risk

I’ve worked closely with many startup companies for over 25 years and have observed what factors create a successful climate for startups to succeed.  The creation of a strong environment for startups requires four major components: infrastructure, outstanding educational...

Freedom Train


I’m looking for a ride to take me where I need to go. I’m looking for the freedom train. I know it’s there. I’ve seen it before. I’m going to find it again. I’m going to take that ride. I’m going to get where I need to go.

Deep down inside I know the truth about America and so do you. Democracy is fundamentally stewardship in action. Being a good steward means that we take care of things. Money, cars, houses, jobs,...

Experience Joy | Kiyon Gaines

Kiyon Gaines is from Baltimore, Maryland. He trained at Baltimore School of the Arts, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School, the School of American Ballet, and Pacific Northwest Ballet School. He joined Pacific Northwest Ballet as a member of the corps de ballet in 2001 and was promoted to soloist in 2012. As a choreographer, Mr. Gaines created blitz…Fantasy, ə {SCHWA}, Infinite Intricacies, and Interrupted Pri’si’zh’en for PNB’s annual...

The Future for Kiyon Gaines | Next Step and Beyond

In his second year of retirement, choreography is in the forefront of his mind—to create ballets for companies across the nation.  For the next two and a half years, he’s the resident choreographer for Ballet Arkansas and will be heading there in January. He is currently the Next Step Program Manager at Pacific Northwest Ballet. Under his management, he has expanded the Next Step Program to meet the needs of aspiring choreographers.


Interview with Kiyon Gaines

Kiyon grew up in Laytonsville, Maryland, a small suburb outside of Baltimore. His mom was a single parent who raised him and his two older siblings, a brother and a sister, with help from his aunt and grandmother. Kiyon describes his mother, grandmother and aunt as very strong women who emphasized the core values of hard work, extreme perseverance as not only the building blocks for achievement, but also the...