Book Review: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

A review of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien might seem like an unlikely addition to our education issue, but I think it’s a perfect fit. The Hobbit is a bold tale about those who pursue growth and awareness, call it continuing education, albeit self-education, and are often shunned by those who are stuck in their ways.

Robin Lindley interviews Author Elizabeth Becker

Robin Lindley interviews Elizabeth Becker, author of “You Don’t Belong Here: How Three Women Rewrote the Story of War. In her book, Elizabeth Becker profiles three women journalists who covered the war in Vietnam, and the challenges they faced during a time when male correspondents dominated journalism. 

Civil War – MAGA & the Abolitionists

Republican MAGA movement folks have been predicting another civil war. The federal government’s deep state is trampling upon their freedoms and those of former President Donald Trump. 

August 2023 Magazine

This month we explore the reality of climate change as depicted in the work of evolutionary biologist Dr. Peter A. Corning. Over the course of the next few months, PR for People will publish each chapter of Dr. Corning's latest work Superorganism: Toward a New Social Contract for Our Endangered Species. This month we have news from Nebraska. Read about Priscilla Teley Foley, who designs couture apparel with distinctly African flair.  Also, Willa Cather’s My Antonia, the third book in her Great Plains Trilogy, is a breathtaking story about life on the Nebraska prairie in the 19th Century. 

No one should ignore this message...

Over the course of the next few months, PR for People will publish each chapter of Dr. Corning's latest work Superorganism: Toward a New Social Contract for Our Endangered Species.  A Preview of The Near Future is Chapter One of Dr. Peter Corning’s groundbreaking work. To purchase Superorganism in its entirety, go to Cambridge University Press or Amazon



A Preview of the Near Future

A Preview of The Near Future is Chapter One of Dr. Peter Corning’s groundbreaking work Superorganism: Toward a New Social Contract for Our Endangered Species.  Over the course of the next few months, PR for People will publish each chapter of Dr. Corning's latest work. To purchase Superorganism in its entirety, go to Cambridge University Press or Amazon

The Rise of African Fashion in the American Midwest

Operating out of a modest strip mall in West Omaha, El Roi House of Design offers a boutique specializing in African traditional styles for men and women, brilliantly patterned fabrics, and beaded and bejeweled accessories.

My Antonia by Willa Cather: A truly good summer read

Some claim that My Antonia, the third and final book of Willa Cather’s Great Plains Trilogy, is her finest work. Bohemian immigrant Antonia Shimerda is depicted through the eyes of orphan boy Jim Burden, who comes to live with his grandparents in Nebraska after his own parents have died. My Antonia is meant to be the story of Jim Burden’s life—his remembrance of things past—of the life that he shared with Antonia, her family, and with his grandparents.