Articles on PR for People

Where Have All the Old Women Gone?

Getting old in America is usually only explored in publications such as AARP or Spry Magazine, which focus on the aging population. So it was an unusual twist to see a celebrated legacy press – New York Times Sunday Magazine – focus on the seniors among us.

The Oct. 26, 2014, NYT Magazine shared a wealth of articles about seniors. Stories were told from a curious mixture of culture, politics and...

5 tips for doing PR Like a Viking #LikeAViking

Before jumping into battle. What’s your strategy? Your press release is not a single longship randomly scouting for a new waterway. Each press release must fit into an overall strategic campaign, which means drafting multiple press releases in a layering of stories, and creating compelling visual content that is adapted to each social channel.

Let your voice ring clear. What’s your message? Your...

Leadership Viking Style

It’s not so much that we crave the bloodthirsty violence of the Vikings. What we want is to be passionately inspired and called to seek the highest level of ourselves, both individually and collectively as a culture. 

The True Measure of a Brand

Recently, a senior middle manager working for a Fortune 500 technology company called to learn if our PR firm could help reposition his professional brand. He had been with the same company for 20 years, but his most recent promotions had been lateral; he felt he would never be considered for the CEO slot. This company, similar to many others, does not promote a new CEO from within and instead recruits...

The Divine Right of Kings

A “C-level” or “C-suite” position is nice work, if you can get it. It’s understandable why so many people want to be in the club. The salaries are astronomically high and the perks are amazing. But isn’t it just ridiculous that CEOs still get paid egregious sums of money, even when their performance is abysmal and they fail?

     Recently, Bank of America disclosed that it had $4 billion less in regulatory capital than it thought...

Managing Wealth with his Heart – Jonathan Gassman

Jonathan Gassman has taken his knowledge as a CPA and combined it with his experience as a certified financial planner CFP® to provide a heightened level of service to his clients. He is known among his colleagues as an exceptional financial strategist who provides consistent, long-term value to his clients.  

A Dirty Business

A Dirty Business: What Ever Happened to Jimmy Hoffa?  It’s been 39 years since Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa disappeared. On every anniversary of Hoffa’s disappearance, a new theory emerges about the location of his final remains. Here are just a few of them:

     • Hoffa’s body was put in a 55-gallon steel drum, and carried off in a truck, then buried on the...

Veterans of No War

The political contenders who are the most conservative and hawkish bellow a mighty war cry but are veterans of no war.  George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Trump, all of whom mastered the art of serial deferments, squeaked out of going to the big war—back when real men were drafted to—the...

Let Them Eat Plastic

The city of Seattle's ban on plastic bags has been in effect since July 1, 2012, and yet if you walk down any grocery aisle you will encounter the seven basic types of plastic. Every sandwich, vegetable (frozen or fresh), sack of fruit, snack, beverage (pop, water, juice), is...

Girvin, the Human Brand

Girvin has always been held in awe by many of his colleagues and peers. Years ago, when I was having lunch with the owner of a major ad agency, Girvin’s name came up in conversation.  He said, “Girvin really is who he says he is. He is a different thinker and an extraordinary talent.” 

Despite Girvin’s success, he carries himself with a certain humility. He knows shopkeepers, restaurant owners and waiters by first name and is...